
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us by phone. If necessary, please leave a message to my voicemail and leave your name and telephone number. I will call you back as soon as possible. A message via the contact form or social media is of course also possible. Below you will find my contact details.

Contact details

Trade name: Country house
Domain name:
Phone/WhatsApp: +31(0)680086014

Establishment details

Jan van Erpstraat 15
5165 BH Waspik
Chamber of Commerce number: 84251131
VAT identification number: NL003935128B76
Bank account: NL03ABNA0105226106

Opening hours

By telephone Monday to Sunday from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM.


Our showroom is open every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 10:00 to 16:00. Come by and get inspired. The coffee is ready!

Friday 31 Jan: Closed
Friday 07 Feb: Open from 10am to 4pm
Friday 14 Feb: Closed
Friday 21 Feb: Open from 10am to 4pm
Friday 28 Feb: Closed

Contact Form